Friday, May 29, 2015

The tree man- Ranaram bishnoi

The Tree Man

The man who single handedly planted 27000 trees to flourish a desert patch in Rajasthan.
The heculian task completed by none other than Ranaram bishnoi. He draws his identity from Ekalkhori village, about 100 km from Jodhpur.

Once this desert patch in Rajasthan had nothing but the vast stretch of land without flora. Then the miracle man in his mid 70's came and put the smile of flora on the lips of desert land. Miracle started when people called him the 'Tree man' and Ranaram made this sobriquet true. He alone turned the crying desert land into smiling with flora.

Bishnoi planted many indigenous trees like - neem, rohida, kankeri, khejri, fig, bougainvillea and babool.

The task was not so easy as it looks, drawing water from a nearby well and carrying it in an earthen pot on his shoulders to water the saplings was quite tough but he never let difficulties surmount him.

The most interesting thing lies in the fact that the ancestors of the community which Ranaram bishnoi belongs to were the protestors participated in chipko movement. This movement was famous for its non-violent and tree hugging protest against tree cutting.

Mother tries to save and protect her child from any danger or menace, the same way Bishnoi fenced all the saplings with thorns and bushes to prevent them from any animal or creature but according to him only man is the biggest threat to the trees. "there is no end to our greed, but we must realise that without these plants and animals, we just can't survive" Bishnoi said.

Any logical man on this earth can't resist himself to commend the efforts of Ranaram for taking up this initiative single-handedly to save our environment.
He planted trees far more in number than his age not only for himself but for the generations to come and became an epitome for them which will enjoy the fruits of his tiring effort.
No matter what government and media are doing for environment but only the spirit like Ranaram had in every human being can transform the earth into real heaven.

Gyanendra tomar

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